Tang Yuan / Dong Zhi / Ronde China. Some people in southern China and some Chinese in communities in Southeast Asia gather together to make and eat a meal of tangyuan (汤圆 Tāngyuán /tung-ywen/). Tangyuan symbolizes family unity and prosperity. These are specially cooked balls of rice that might have a filling of bean paste or meat with sweet high yang herbs. Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get-togethers (especially in the southern parts of China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of tangyuan (湯圓) or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion. Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Dong Zhi - Fun Facts You Should Know. People celebrate the Chinese winter solstice festival, commonly known as Dong Zhi, around the globe, especially in Asian countries. People also regarded this date as an important event. Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival was a day to regroup with a family get together before tackling the last leg of winter. Today, with survival less of a daily concern and no time off granted, the Dongzhi Festival is celebrated mostly with a family meal full of warm, hearty foods. How to Make Tang Yuan Tangyuan is a Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour and was prepared during Winter Solstice Festival or called Dong Zhi by Chinese. Traditionally, the Dong Zhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together, making and eating this Tangyuan dessert because this balls of glutinous rice symbolize reunion. Traditionally, the Dongzhi festival is also a time for the family to get together.
Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Dong Zhi - Fun Facts You Should Know. People celebrate the Chinese winter solstice festival, commonly known as Dong Zhi, around the globe, especially in Asian countries. People also regarded this date as an important event. Tang Yuan / Dong Zhi / Ronde China . Lagi mencari inspirasi resep tang yuan / dong zhi / ronde china yang unik? Cara membuatnya memang tidak terlalu sulit namun tidak gampang juga. Jika salah mengolah maka hasilnya tidak akan memuaskan dan justru cenderung tidak enak. Padahal tang yuan / dong zhi / ronde china yang enak harusnya sih memiliki aroma dan rasa yang dapat memancing selera kita. Some people in southern China and some Chinese in communities in Southeast Asia gather together to make and eat a meal of tangyuan (汤圆 Tāngyuán /tung-ywen/). Tangyuan symbolizes family unity and prosperity. These are specially cooked balls of rice that might have a filling of bean paste or meat with sweet high yang herbs. Banyak hal yang sedikit banyak mempengaruhi kualitas rasa dari tang yuan / dong zhi / ronde china, mulai dari jenis bahan, lalu pemilihan bahan segar sampai cara membuat dan menghidangkannya. Tidak usah pusing kalau hendak menyiapkan tang yuan / dong zhi / ronde china yang enak di mana pun anda berada, karena asal sudah tahu triknya maka hidangan ini bisa jadi suguhan spesial. Berikut ini ada beberapa cara mudah dan praktis untuk membuat tang yuan / dong zhi / ronde china yang siap dikreasikan. Anda bisa membuat Tang Yuan / Dong Zhi / Ronde China memakai 9 jenis bahan dan 5 langkah pembuatan. Berikut ini cara dalam menyiapkan hidangannya.
Siapkan Komposisi Tang Yuan / Dong Zhi / Ronde China
- Kamu Perlu 100 gr tepung ketan.
- Ambilah 110 ml air.
- kamu Membutuhkan Pewarna makanan sesuai selera (saya merah).
- Siapkan Bahan kuah:.
- Siapkan 500 ml air.
- Carilah 120 gr gula merah.
- Kamu Perlu 1/8 sdt garam.
- Kamu Perlu 2 cm jahe (digeprek).
- kamu Membutuhkan 2 lembar daun pandan.
Traditionally, the Dongzhi Festival was a day to regroup with a family get together before tackling the last leg of winter. Today, with survival less of a daily concern and no time off granted, the Dongzhi Festival is celebrated mostly with a family meal full of warm, hearty foods. How to Make Tang Yuan Tangyuan is a Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice flour and was prepared during Winter Solstice Festival or called Dong Zhi by Chinese. Traditionally, the Dong Zhi Festival is also a time for the family to get together, making and eating this Tangyuan dessert because this balls of glutinous rice symbolize reunion.
Dibawah ini Bagaimana Mengolah Tang Yuan / Dong Zhi / Ronde China
- Campurkan tepung ketan dan air. Lalu aduk hingga rata. Kemudian bagi 2. Bagian yang 1 biarkan putih. Bagian lainnya campurkan dengan pewarna 2 tetes saja..
- Lalu bulatkan kecil-kecil dan taruh di atas wadah yang dilapis kain supaya tang yuan tidak menempel pada wadah. Lakukan hingga adonan habis..
- Campurkan semua bahan kuah. Masak hingga mendidih dan gula larut. Setelah mendidih diamkan sekitar 2 menit. Lalu angkat dan saring. Sisihkan..
- Panaskan air hingga mendidih. Lalu masukkan tang yuan. Biarkan hingga tang yuan mengapung. Lalu angkat dan masukkan ke dalam kuah ya g telah matang pada no.3.
- Tang yuan siap disajikan..
Traditionally, the Dongzhi festival is also a time for the family to get together. One activity that occurs during these get-togethers is the making and eating of tang yuan which symbolize sweet reunion. For many Chinese, tang yuan usually eaten together with family. It is usually prepared during Winter Solstice Festival (Chinese: 冬至, Dong zhi) or wedding day. Serving Tang Yuan symbolize family reunion or harmony.